Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Throwback Tuesday?

Well I don't know is Throwback Tuesday is a thing but hey if it isn't it should be am I right? I wanted to share some photos of our trip to the Vatican City. It was so beautiful there and I loved the Egyptian Hall. I'm literally OBSESSED with any and all things Egyptian so they won me right when I saw that. They even had a mummy so I was basically freaking out. The square was also really gorgeous and neat to see in person because until then I'd only ever seen it on tv. Anyway here are a few pictures from the trip. 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Ramadan Begins!

Today is the first day of Ramadan! Ramadan Mubarak to everyone, I am so excited to start. Now as much as I love the month of Ramadan I'm not gonna lie, I really miss it being in the winter. Getting up(or sometimes staying up) until 3am really messes with you're schedule! But hey it's only for a month and it's totally worth it. This year we aren't in a home so we will be doing Ramadan in a hotel, so that's going to be a new experience. As much as I miss the food while I'm fasting I love the awareness fasting brings me. Im so blessed to have so much food at my fingertips that it's easy to forget that not everyone does. My family does a lot of crafts for Ramadan so I will definitely be making another post sharing some great craft ideas with you guys. If you have any cool crafts please let me know below!  

Friday, 12 June 2015

My Favorite Quote

 Okay so I normally DO NOT like to use curse words on my blog or Instagram account but I just loved this too much because I connect with it on so many levels. This quote is so true, I mean at least in my experience. When some girls were basically attacking me on social media, for days, they started calling me a Bitch!  After I stood up for myself by blocking them all. Even the girl I thought was my best friend(I had known her for almost 10 years) took their side and said I was a bitch and then joined them in spamming my Twitter and Instagram. Standing up for yourself(in a classy, nice way)in the face of bullies should not be a reason for people to call you a Bitch. They then preceded to call me a slew of other degrading names, all because I said they were being childish and blocked them. That is called dealing with mean girls in the best way. I will never understand why as women, we feel the need to tear other women down. Being girls we know how harsh the world is, we should really all be sticking together and try to help other women whenever we can. If standing up for myself and other women makes me a Bitch then I guess I am. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Doctors Today!

So today I have an appointment with my family doctor to talk about this lump I found in my left breast a few weeks ago. It has been hurting and swelling for almost 4 weeks now so I'm going to get it checked just to be safe. It's honestly probably nothing really serious but since my mom had breast cancer I'm a little paranoid. My mom thinks it's fribroids which seems most logical but better safe than sorry right? I'm really not looking forward to having my breasts felt up but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do! I'll let you all know how it goes. Positive thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Haters Gonna Hate

Hello Blog World,
Today I'm going to be sharing the story behind my nearly 2 month absence. The reason I stopped blogging and posting on Instagram was because I was basically having some stupid, childish girls from my town trolling on my stuff. One my best friends(or so I thought) was angry at me and decided to tell some people about it and basically it got out of control and all the girls who don't particularly like me started trolling my Instagram account and blog. They wouldn't leave me alone so I decided to just take a break from all of it. Looking back now I wish I wouldn't have let them make me stop blogging and posting because that's exactly what they wanted. I had a lot of great people stand up for me and they will always have my eternal thanks. Knowing  that I had people on my side was a great help. I am definitely not going to let some girls and their cyber bullying keep me from posting, in the wise words of Ms. Taylor Swift, haters gonna hate. I hope you guys will continue to follow my journey and forgive my long break. I am back and better than ever!! You can all look forward to many more posts by me in the future!