Monday, 5 October 2015

Everyday Makeup Routine

Okay so I've been asked a lot about my typical makeup routine and honestly I go without make up like 90% of the time but on the days when I dress up to look natural here is what I use.
 These are like my holy products that I will buy forever. I start with my Aveeno moisturizer and the use the L'Oreal Magic Perfecting Primer. I then add one coat of the Ready Set Gorgeous Foundation,which I freaking love. Then I take the Maybelline Master Glaze and dab it on my cheeks(it's really bright so it doesn't take much). I use my Sephora Concealer for any zits or redness and then that's it for my face.  For my eyes I use the gold and maroon shade in the Stila and then add 1-2 coats of the Bad Gal Lash(I HIGHLY) recommend this mascara, it gives amazing length and volume without too many coats or clumps. I then add some EOS in pomegranate and then a coat of my Pacifica lip balm and that's it for the lips. 

Here is a before and after of my natural face and then my face with these products. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know if you try or have tried any of these products before! 

Saturday, 29 August 2015


Okay so honestly guys 5SOS literally give such amazing shows! This was my second time seeing them and I swear they get better and better. Their shows are so lively and just make you want to dance and have a great time. If you ever have a chance to see them live DO IT you will not be disappointed! Okay so let's get to the pictures, they're a little blurry because all I had was my iPhone and I was dancing and moving around like nuts! Anyway enjoy!
Waiting for the show! 
I loved all the different screens the used! 
They look really far in this pic for some reason...
Sadly that's the end and they take their bow! 
Oh I alsmot forgot, you guys have to see the adorable T-shirt I bought! 
This is the front
And this is the adorable back! I'm literally obsessed with it!

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Workout Clothes AKA My Addiction

Okay so a few days ago I stopped at Sports Chek to check out this amazing sale there were supposedly having and OMG guys it was amazing. Everything was so cheap. I got a pair of Under Armour Running Shoes that were regularly $100 for $25 and a pair of Hurley Workout Shorts that were regularly $30 for $8!!! It was such a fantastic sale I wish I would've bought more but in reality I have way to much workout gear so it's probably for the best;) I posted pics below, check them out! 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Ariana Grande!

Okay guys so 2 days ago I was lucky enough to score tickets to see Ariana Grande on her Honeymoon Tour in Toronto! Let me just say getting to the concert was nuts. I bought tickets online and had them sent to my mail, not knowing I had to print them out before I got there. Luckily I noticed before I got downtown and stopped at an Internet cafe to print them(we're just visiting so no printer) and then we got stuck in traffic and it took forever to find parking. We ended up missing the opening act and had to literally RUN 2 city blocks to the ACC where she was playing. But we made before she came on so I'm not complaining. She was amazing and I'm so glad I got to finally see her live. I'll share some pictures from the show below! ** I forgot my camera and had to use my iPhone so forgive the bad quality in some **

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Best Deal EVER

Okay I literally have been dying to share this amazing deal I found when I was shopping the other day. I was at Winners just browsing through the racks when I stumbled across this gorgeous BCBG sweatshirt. It was literally perfect and it was on an AMAZING clearance. It was regularly $160 and I got it for $16!!!! DO YOU GUYS FEEL MY EXCITEMENT!?!? I literally couldn't believe it. I took a few pics of the sweatshirt and will post them down below. Check out this amazing deal. 

Monday, 20 July 2015

Clothing/Make-up Haul!!

I WENT SHOPPING!!!!! So I wanted to share all my awesome finds with you guys. I bought some makeup and clothing so let's just get into it starting with all the beauty/makeup. 
Here is the first beauty/makeup item. The Biore Charcoal Bar. So I needed a mild cleanser for my face just to wash it in the morning and this does the job perfectly. It smells like peppermint and leaves my face squeaky clean and it smells like a candy cane afterwards. It's really gentle and I'm just hooked. 
Next I picked up these Physician Formula Waterproof Eyeliners. So I've been using these for about three days and I'm 50/50. They don't stay on as long as I would have hope especially for waterproof. My Urban Decay 24/7 stays on better but they do stay on my waterline perfectly!!! Which is why I got them so I'm satisfied. If you're looking for a waterline eyeliner I definitely recommend these. 
Last in the beauty/makeup is this Hard Candy green pallete. I want to buy a more expensive palate just like this from Sephora but I'm not sure how I feel about greens so I want to try these out before I go spend money on the more expensive one. 
And here is my clothing haul(pardon the ugly blanket, hotel life is hard.) I decided to take a group picture and just tell you where everything is from. The boots are Steve Madden and were on sale for $25, the jacket is Noisy May and was on sale for $40 I think, the sunglasses are from Aldo(they have interchangeable sides which is awesome) and were on sale for $5, the grey shirt is Buffalo and was $18, the All Eyes On Me was $16 from Winners, the purple peplum was from Winners as well and was $12, and the grey sweatpants were from Winners and were $16. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and much as I enjoyed making it! ~Alex 

Sunday, 5 July 2015

DIY Hair Mask

Happy Sunday Readers! 
Since it's Sunday(aka lets pamper ourselves while we binge on Netflix day) I thought I would share my favorite all natural hair mask with you guys. Now I'm sure you've heard how great coconut oil is for pretty much everything. Well it's freaking amazing for your hair too. I swear since I've started using it in my hair it's softer,healthier,and even grows better. I'm hooked for life and I hope you guys will be too. So here is what you will need for my favorite hair mask,
1-3 tablespoons of coconut oil( it depends on the the length and thickness of your hair. Mine is past boob level and SO thick so I almost need 2-3 tablespoons.)
1-2 tablespoons of honey(this step is completely optional, I will add honey when I want more shine but I've skipped it tons of times in the past. It does make the hair smell great though.)
Now take your ingredients and heat them up in a pot or in the microwave until they are liquified and mixed together. Then proceed to lather your hair up until it is evenly covered. 
When you're done tie or clip your hair up and let it sit for and hour or two while you binge on some shows. After you have let it sit just rise with your normal shampoo and you're good to go. I usually skip conditioner because my hair is already so moisturized that it doesn't need it but it's up to you. I hope you guys enjoy this mask as much as I do, let me know how you like it and if it helps your hair at all. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Throwback Tuesday?

Well I don't know is Throwback Tuesday is a thing but hey if it isn't it should be am I right? I wanted to share some photos of our trip to the Vatican City. It was so beautiful there and I loved the Egyptian Hall. I'm literally OBSESSED with any and all things Egyptian so they won me right when I saw that. They even had a mummy so I was basically freaking out. The square was also really gorgeous and neat to see in person because until then I'd only ever seen it on tv. Anyway here are a few pictures from the trip. 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Ramadan Begins!

Today is the first day of Ramadan! Ramadan Mubarak to everyone, I am so excited to start. Now as much as I love the month of Ramadan I'm not gonna lie, I really miss it being in the winter. Getting up(or sometimes staying up) until 3am really messes with you're schedule! But hey it's only for a month and it's totally worth it. This year we aren't in a home so we will be doing Ramadan in a hotel, so that's going to be a new experience. As much as I miss the food while I'm fasting I love the awareness fasting brings me. Im so blessed to have so much food at my fingertips that it's easy to forget that not everyone does. My family does a lot of crafts for Ramadan so I will definitely be making another post sharing some great craft ideas with you guys. If you have any cool crafts please let me know below!  

Friday, 12 June 2015

My Favorite Quote

 Okay so I normally DO NOT like to use curse words on my blog or Instagram account but I just loved this too much because I connect with it on so many levels. This quote is so true, I mean at least in my experience. When some girls were basically attacking me on social media, for days, they started calling me a Bitch!  After I stood up for myself by blocking them all. Even the girl I thought was my best friend(I had known her for almost 10 years) took their side and said I was a bitch and then joined them in spamming my Twitter and Instagram. Standing up for yourself(in a classy, nice way)in the face of bullies should not be a reason for people to call you a Bitch. They then preceded to call me a slew of other degrading names, all because I said they were being childish and blocked them. That is called dealing with mean girls in the best way. I will never understand why as women, we feel the need to tear other women down. Being girls we know how harsh the world is, we should really all be sticking together and try to help other women whenever we can. If standing up for myself and other women makes me a Bitch then I guess I am. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Doctors Today!

So today I have an appointment with my family doctor to talk about this lump I found in my left breast a few weeks ago. It has been hurting and swelling for almost 4 weeks now so I'm going to get it checked just to be safe. It's honestly probably nothing really serious but since my mom had breast cancer I'm a little paranoid. My mom thinks it's fribroids which seems most logical but better safe than sorry right? I'm really not looking forward to having my breasts felt up but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do! I'll let you all know how it goes. Positive thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Haters Gonna Hate

Hello Blog World,
Today I'm going to be sharing the story behind my nearly 2 month absence. The reason I stopped blogging and posting on Instagram was because I was basically having some stupid, childish girls from my town trolling on my stuff. One my best friends(or so I thought) was angry at me and decided to tell some people about it and basically it got out of control and all the girls who don't particularly like me started trolling my Instagram account and blog. They wouldn't leave me alone so I decided to just take a break from all of it. Looking back now I wish I wouldn't have let them make me stop blogging and posting because that's exactly what they wanted. I had a lot of great people stand up for me and they will always have my eternal thanks. Knowing  that I had people on my side was a great help. I am definitely not going to let some girls and their cyber bullying keep me from posting, in the wise words of Ms. Taylor Swift, haters gonna hate. I hope you guys will continue to follow my journey and forgive my long break. I am back and better than ever!! You can all look forward to many more posts by me in the future!

Monday, 4 May 2015

Thigh Gap Rant

I was looking through Instagram earlier and I couldn't help but notice all the comments about people mostly young girls, obsessing over the highly sought after "thigh gap" so I started looking into it and I realized that girls are becoming obsessed with achieving this very hard unrealistic ideal of beauty. They are purging, starving, using laxatives, etc. to try and attain thigh gaps. Girls having or not having a thigh gap does not define your beauty. Some girls naturally have thigh gaps because of their build but some girls are just NOT built for them. Starving yourself or harming your body to try and achieve this when its not meant for you is not worth it. I am a healthy, petite size 0-00 and I do not have a thigh gap. My thighs just aren't built to have one as many girls bodies are. Starving yourself sick for a gap between our thighs is NOT worth it. You are beautiful just the way you are.  I just want you all to know that, thigh gap or no thigh gap you're all gorgeous, wonderful ladies who don't need to go to extremes to try and attain this. 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Fun in Nature/Senior Pictures?

So about a week ago I was in the country visiting some Family and because I'm a model in training I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some great pictures in the gorgeous country setting I was in. The sun was shining perfectly and honeslty I was having a great hair day so basically everything lined up perfectly ;) Since I'm homeschooled I never thought about doing Senior Pictures or anything like that but these could almost count as those so I'll just call them my Homeschooled Senior Photos. Here are a few for you guys to check out. 

Friday, 1 May 2015

My Secret Weapon

May has officially begun!!!! I don't know about you guys but April flew by for me. It seems like it was barely even here. Since its the first day of a brand new month I thought I would share one of my biggest tools that I use to stay in shape and exercise with my CRAZY schedule. I travel a lot so finding time to excise or space can be a challenge. One thing that really has helped me on my journey these past 3 years are the Popsugar Fitness workouts. I found them at the beginning of my fitness journey and have literally used them ever since. Popsugar Fitness has an app that I greatly recommend all of you download and on the app are all the workout videos you could ever want. They range from 5 mins all the way to 1 hour. My favorites are the 10 min videos because I will mix and match them to build an amazing workout. Another thing I like about them is that they explain everything so simply that anyone can understand the moves and do them. They also offer various modifications so you can go easier or harder depending on your fitness level. Honestly these workouts have really changed my fitness life. I can take this app anywhere in the word and have workouts at my finger tips. It's basically my secret weapon for working out on the go. I highly recommend everyone try their workouts and download their app. 

Thursday, 30 April 2015

I'm Back!!

Wow I can't believe I haven't posted in about a Month!! I really missed all you guys. Well I'm back now so you can look forward to many new posts I've been working on for my blog and Instagram account. So much has happened during my time not posting. I've moved from Canada back to Texas, which I'm very excited about, and I'm now looking at colleges. I honestly love Texas so much I'm so happy to be here but I do miss Canada sometimes. The food in TX is amazing though, I'm pretty sure I've gain like 20 lbs since I've been here. Luckily I've located the nearest Wholefoods and Trader Joe's, I need them like I need oxygen seriously. Well that's all for now! I'll have tons of new posts coming y'all's way soon I promise! Thanks for bearing with me. -Alex 

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Roasted Chickpeas aka The Best Snack EVER

Okay so I just want to start off by saying my Dad and I were making and snacking on roasted chickpeas before they were the trendy cool snack they are today. Since he is from Pakistan he is already a chickpea fan and he passed that love of chickpeas on to me from like birth. So I've been eating chickpea basically since I could chew. Roasted chickpeas are a great, healthy snack that provide a good amount of protein and fiber to help keep you full. They are a fantastic substitute for chips and you can basically flavor them however you want! The options are endless. 

My personal favourite is just plain old roasted chickpeas with salt, pepper, and grapeseed oil. All you do is take a can of chickpeas rinse them and then toss a few tablespoons of your oil of choice on them. Then add your spices and put them on a pan to roast. Cook them for about and 1 hr on 375 or until brown and crunchy. You can store them in little snack packs for about a week in your pantry. So instead of grabbing a bag of chips grab a bag of these little babies! 

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Biore 1 Minute Self-Heating Charcoal Face Mask Review

I was at the drugstore the other day when I saw these Biore Charcoal masks. Honestly the self heating and charcoal are what drew me in because I heard charcoal is really good in helping draw out gunk from your pores and the self heating just sounded really nice during these cold winter months. They cost around $7 dollars I believe and you get 4 packets. I took some pictures of my first time using a packet that I'll share with you guys. Please excuse my makeupless face!
The excitements is real guys. 
And it's on. It was very easy to apply and I loved the self heating. It also smells amazing!
Washing it off. When you rinse it off it heats up again which feels really great!
And it's off. My face felt super clean and refreshed. I will definitely be taking these on my trip to Europe to give my face a little pick me up whenever I need one. 

Monday, 23 March 2015

When in Rome

Definitely one of my favorite cities that I saw in Europe was Rome. I absolutely LOVED it there and didn't have enough time there at all. When we drove through Rome we were on our way to a different city and unfortunately could only spend I day there. It was short and sweet but still amazing in every way. Seeing the colosseum was just mind-boggling and roaming the ancient Roman cobblestone streets was priceless. You could practically feel the history in every nook and cranny of the ancient city. I would definitely go back again and recommend everyone go at least once if they can. Here are some pictures from my trip.  

Here is the view driving towards Rome
Rome here we come!
First stop,Colosseum!! 

Colosseum up close, about to go in. 
Finally Inside!
It's huge guys!
After we left the colosseum to find the Trevi Fountain we stumbled upon some ruins. 
"Rome-ing" the streets(get it?) ;)
Finally found the Fountain!! I threw in 4 pennies! 
Circled back around the Colosseum on our way to our hotel.